Monday, October 12, 2009

New Sundays

This started off as an e-mail to Luke and Brian, but now it lives here. Since then, Luke also informed me of

From now on, my Sundays will be dedicated to relaxation and the generation of new ideas. 3M does this 15% of the time, so i figured 1 day / 7 = 14.3% of each week. Close enough.

Here are 3 for today:

1. Music recording studio. This could be the new incarnation of Rockstar Jam Sessions. A low-cost studio, with decent tools, sound-controlled recording room. Just thinking of another way to get the creative talent through our doors. I will research to see if there is anything else like this in the area, and for comparable rates. Definitely would be a night-time thing, unless we get really good at soundproofing.

2. T-shirts. There are 8000+ "Kentucky" designs on CafePress. "Kentucky" is a huge brand, but it is commonly either derogatory or boring. RedneckUnbridled Spirit? How about we embrace the 'Awesome Ink' misnomer. Proposal: graphic design of creative new line of t-shirts that aren't boring yet showcase what KY is really about: beauty, craftsmanship, horses, basketball, bourbon, the outdoors, family, friendliness, the convergence of north and south, beautiful women, and the fusion of creativity and technology.

Inspiration: founder (via Andew Hyde)

3. My AJ Jacobs book: 26 jobs in 1 year. I have been working on a list for a few years of all the jobs I would like to have experience with: mechanic, farmer, plumber, teacher, doctor, etc. I want to be MacGuyver or The Pretender for real. From an entrepreneurial perspective, this will give me incredibly valuable exposure to a very wide variety of industries in a very short time. I think 2 weeks will be enough time to discover some of the major problems, and enough content to write a book about how to fix those problems. Also, that will allow for me to put in my 2-week notice on day 1.

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