From now on, my Sundays will be dedicated to relaxation and the generation of new ideas. 3M does this 15% of the time, so i figured 1 day / 7 = 14.3% of each week. Close enough.
Here are 3 for today:
1. Music recording studio. This could be the new incarnation of Rockstar Jam Sessions. A low-cost studio, with decent tools, sound-controlled recording room. Just thinking of another way to get the creative talent through our doors. I will research to see if there is anything else like this in the area, and for comparable rates. Definitely would be a night-time thing, unless we get really good at soundproofing.
2. T-shirts. There are 8000+ "Kentucky" designs on CafePress. "Kentucky" is a huge brand, but it is commonly either derogatory or boring. Redneck? Unbridled Spirit? How about we embrace the 'Awesome Ink' misnomer. Proposal: graphic design of creative new line of t-shirts that aren't boring yet showcase what KY is really about: beauty, craftsmanship, horses, basketball, bourbon, the outdoors, family, friendliness, the convergence of north and south, beautiful women, and the fusion of creativity and technology.
3. My AJ Jacobs book: 26 jobs in 1 year. I have been working on a list for a few years of all the jobs I would like to have experience with: mechanic, farmer, plumber, teacher, doctor, etc. I want to be MacGuyver or The Pretender for real. From an entrepreneurial perspective, this will give me incredibly valuable exposure to a very wide variety of industries in a very short time. I think 2 weeks will be enough time to discover some of the major problems, and enough content to write a book about how to fix those problems. Also, that will allow for me to put in my 2-week notice on day 1.