Sometimes, entrepreneurship isn't popular. Your friends and family, possibly your spouse, can be averted to the idea of discarding the security of a corporate job to pursue your passion. When commuting on my bicycle, I am frequently told by the drivers of neighboring cars that I should, "Get off the road!" or, "Buy a car you idiot!" Has this forced me to stop riding yet? No. Like a successful entrepreneur, I have taken the time to observe the big picture. I have a 1 mile commute. While this is a 20-minute walk, it is barely a 5-minute bike ride. During rush hour (ie the time when I actually commute), driving a car this distance through downtown Lexington takes about 15 minutes. I don't think my choice to commute by bicycle is that novel of an idea, but it seems to have far more benefits than drawbacks:
- Nearest bike rack is immediately outside the doors to my office building. The parking lot is around the back, across the street.
- During a 15-minute car ride through city traffic, 2 things are successfully accomplished
- Waste a lot of gas heating up an engine
- Build up a lot of frustration, wanting to go somewhere but being inhibited by the herd.
Entrepreneurs and commuter cyclists must always be alert. They stand out from the herd, so they must learn to protect themselves. But likely that is the reason they have chosen their path in the first place. They care so much about their passion that they manifest the will to execute upon it. How the world is a better place as a result of these pursuit.
The dude agrees:
Hmm, apparently cycling for transport is a